On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 2:26 AM, John Salerno <johnj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The idea of not using a base Character class at all threw me for a
> loop though, so I need to think about that too!

It's easy to fall in love with a concept like inheritance, and use it
in all sorts of things. You then have a choice to make: Is the project
you're writing primarily for its own sake, or primarily so that you
can explore the programming concept? There's nothing wrong with
building a mediocre game on a mediocre basis and using it solely to
play around with OO and inheritance and class structures, but if you
want it to be a good game, sometimes you need to go back on decisions
like that.

And that's where mailing lists like this are awesome. I've learned so
much from the wisdom here... there is an amazing amount of expertise
being offered freely!

Chris Angelico

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