* srinivas hn <hnsr...@gmail.com> [110616 11:06]:
> Hi Tim,
>    import warnings
> with warnings.catch_warnings():
>     warnings.simplefilter('error', MySQLdb.Warning)
>     try:
>       cursor.execute(insert_query)
>       conn.commit()
>       return 'Success'
>     except MySQLdb.Error, error:
>       logging.error("Error in insertion %s query is ", error)
>       return 'Failure'
>     finally:
>       conn.close()
> try:
>    xyz = do_query(insert_query)
> except MySQLdb.Warning, warning:
>    logging.warning(warning)
  Hi Again srinavas:
  For an overview, I need to interate thru a file, executing each
  line as an insert statement. Based on your valuable input, I have
  the following:
## ------------------------------------------------
def __process_line(self):
  """For each line in the file .."""
  try :
  except MySQLdb.Warning,e:
        ## catching warnings here, log, count, abort
    ## or some other action based on implementation
    print(e) ## and count, log .... etc 
## ------------------------------------------------
def simple(self,insert_query):
  """Executing one line.""" 
  cursor = self.__rdb 
  with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter('error', MySQLdb.Warning)

## This works well, but I'd like to do something further: Control is
transfered back to the calling function's `except' block when the
first warning is found. There can be and are multiple warning
conditions on each line. Is there a way to trap all of them?
I am unclear from the docs that I am reading at
whether that can be done.
Thanks again
tim at johnsons-web dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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