On 6/16/2011 12:44 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:26:31 +0100, David Aldrich
<david.aldr...@emea.nec.com> declaimed the following in
... python27.dll is missing from your computer ...
and, indeed, it is in neither C:\Windows\System32 nor C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
Didn't M$ decree, some years ago, that application specific DLLs (in
this situation, Python is the application) should install in the
application path, and NOT in any system path.
Please will someone suggest what I am doing wrong?
I find the corresponding DLL in
(I've started putting third party applications on the e: partition as my
C: partition was getting too tight for defrag operations)... Oh,
ActiveState Python 2.5 install here...
Python3.2, WinXP
All .dll and .pyd files in Python32/DLLs
libpython.a and .lib files in Python32/libs
there is one .lib for each .dll and .pyd.
Most likely you need to put the Python libs directory into your
system PATH (not PYTHONPATH) variable.
Terry Jan Reedy