Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Peter Dembinski wrote:
>> AFAIK inc is builtin function.  And builtin functions doesn't have
>> to be real functions, they can be just aliases to Python's VM
>> bytecodes or sets of bytecodes.
> Wrong on both counts. ;)
Yup.  My mistake.


> And while builtin functions may not have to be real *functions*,
> they do have to be real *callables*:

Yes.  I discovered it yesterday.


> Note that both <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> and <type 'type'>
> have a __call__ method, which means they are callable objects.
> They're not just bytecodes; they're real objects, just like
> everything else in Python. =)

Yup.  True.


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