On the 30th of May, I received an email from a man (I'll leave out his name, but it was properly male) offering to translate the docs for the gdmodule (which I maintain) into Belorussian. He wanted my approval, and a link from my page to his. This seemed fair, so I told him to tell me when it was ready.

This morning, I received an email from him that it was done. I looked at the page, and it looked good. Of course, I don't read Belorussian, but it had the right "shape" and linked to my downloads. But at the same time, I received an email with a female sender name on it. It was worded almost identically to the first email, but was offering to translate my WConio page into Belorussian.

The Belorussian gdmodule page is here:


Now, webhostingrating.com is a site that rates web hosting providers, and at least on the surface seems legitimate. I can't find any links from their front page to the section with the Belorussian translation(s), which strikes me odd.

What's going on here?  Has anyone else been approached by these people?

-- Chris.

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