I am working scraping the Weather Underground using the XML interface... I am hoping to to add this into the pywapi, but that looks like it's been abandoned? I haven't seen any updates in ages to it...
And I'm using the Weather Underground XML API (http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/API_-_XML)... And it's working, except something is happening odd with the Forecast portion... When parsed the Forecast, the Highs & Lows are the same value... I don't see another approach to this though. Weather Underground is presenting the same data structure for the forecast, which is why I am breaking it into a list... I'm not the best expert at XML, but I believe that I have etree working fine... But not necessarily the best way, Is there a better way to read this via etree? The only limitation I have is the code has to be python 2.51, due to limitations in the Indigo framework... The scan_node function scans the individual node, and works fine for the Weather forecast... but due to the duplicate XML tags in the forecast XML interface, I had to manually break it out into a list... But this doesn't explain the issue with the high's not being read properly... Anyone? WUND_WEATHER_URL = 'http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/WXCurrentObXML/index.xml?query=%s' WUND_FORECAST_URL = 'http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/ForecastXML/index.xml?query=%s' WUND_PWS_WEATHER_URL = 'http://api.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXCurrentObXML.asp?ID=%s' def scan_node ( data, node, ns_wund_data_structure): for (category, attrs) in ns_wund_data_structure.iteritems(): if node.tag in attrs: for attrsname in attrs: if attrsname == node.tag: if not(category in data.keys() ): # # key not in dictionary, create subdictionary # data [category] = {} if node.text <> None: data [category] [node.tag.strip()] = node.text.strip() return data def get_weather_from_wund(location_id, hl = ''): url = WUND_WEATHER_URL % (location_id) handler = urllib2.urlopen(url) tree = parse ( handler) handler.close() weather_data = {} elem = tree.getroot () ns_wund_data_structure = { 'display_location': ('full', 'city', 'state', 'state_name', 'country', 'zip', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation'), 'current_observation': ('station_id', 'observation_time', 'observation_time_rfc822', 'local_time', 'local_time_rfc822', 'local_epoch', 'weather', 'temperature_string', 'temp_f', 'temp_c', 'relative_humidity', 'wind_string', 'wind_dir', 'wind_degrees', 'wind_mpg', 'wind_gust', 'pressure_string', 'pressure_mb', 'pressure_in', 'dewpoint_string', 'dewpoint_f', 'dewpoint_c', 'heat_index_string', 'heat_index_f', 'heat_index_c', 'windchill_string', 'windchill_f', 'windchill_c', 'visibility_mi', 'visibility_km', 'forceast_url','history_url', 'ob_url', 'icon_url_base', 'icon_url_name', 'icon', 'forecast_url'), 'icons' : ('icon_set', 'icon_url', 'icon_url_base', 'icon_url_name', 'icon') } for category in ns_wund_data_structure: weather_data[category] = {} for node in elem.getchildren(): children = node.getchildren() if children <> []: for subnode in children: weather_data = scan_node( weather_data, subnode, ns_wund_data_structure) else: weather_data = scan_node ( weather_data, node, ns_wund_data_structure) return weather_data def walk_tree (root_node, data, dstructure): for node in root_node.getchildren(): children = node.getchildren() if children <> []: for subnode in children: if subnode.getchildren() <> []: walk_tree (subnode, data, dstructure) else: data = scan_node ( data, subnode, dstructure) else: data = scan_node ( data, node, dstructure) return data def get_forecast_from_wund(location_id, weather_data = None, hl = ''): url = WUND_FORECAST_URL % (location_id) handler = urllib2.urlopen(url) tree = parse ( handler) handler.close() if weather_data == None: weather_data = {} elem = tree.getroot () ns_forecast_structure = { 'txt_forecast' : ( 'number', 'forecastday'), 'high' : ('fahrenheit', 'celsius'), 'low' : ('fahrenheit', 'celsius'), 'simpleforecast': ('forecastday', 'conditions', 'icon', 'skyicon'), 'forecastday' : ('period', 'title', 'fcttext', 'date', 'high', 'low', 'conditions', 'icon', 'skyicon'), 'date' : ('epoch', 'pretty_short', 'pretty', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'yday','hour', 'min', 'sec', 'isdst', 'monthname', 'weekday_short', 'weekday', 'ampm', 'tz_short', 'tz_long') } weather_data = walk_tree (elem, weather_data, ns_wund_data_structure) weather_data["forecast"] = [] forecast_data = {} forecast_root = tree.find ("//simpleforecast") for subnode in forecast_root.getchildren(): forecast_data = {} forecast_data = walk_tree (subnode, forecast_data, ns_forecast_structure) weather_data["forecast"].append (forecast_data) return weather_data
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