Scenario: a file-name from potentially untrusted sources may have odd filenames that need to be sanitized for the underlying OS. On *nix, this generally just means "don't use '/' or \x00 in your string", while on Win32, there are a host of verboten characters and file-names. Then there's also checking the abspath/normpath of the resulting name to make sure it's still in the intended folder.

I've read through [1] and have started to glom together various bits from that thread. My current course of action is something like

   ['CON', 'PRN', 'CLOCK$', 'AUX', 'NUL'] +
   ['LPT%i' % i for i in range(32)] +
   ['CON%i' % i for i in range(32)] +

 def sanitize_filename(fname):
   sane = set(string.letters + string.digits + '-_.[]{}()$')
   results = ''.join(c for c in fname if c in sane)
   # might have to check sans-extension
   if results.upper() in SACRED_WIN32_FNAMES:
     results = "_" + results
   return results

but if somebody already has war-hardened code they'd be willing to share, I'd appreciate any thoughts.





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