On Sunday, May 29, 2011 8:59:49 PM UTC-7, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sun, 29 May 2011 17:55:22 -0700, Carl Banks wrote:
> > Floating point arithmetic evolved more or less on languages like Fortran
> > where things like exceptions were unheard of, 
> I'm afraid that you are completely mistaken.
> Fortran IV had support for floating point traps, which are "things like 
> exceptions". That's as far back as 1966. I'd be shocked if earlier 
> Fortrans didn't also have support for traps.
> http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/7040/C28-6806-1_7040ftnMathSubrs.pdf
Fine, it wasn't "unheard of".  I'm pretty sure the existence of a few high end 
compiler/hardware combinations that supported traps doesn't invalidate my basic 
point.  NaN was needed because few systems had a separate path to deal with 
exceptional situations like producing or operating on something that isn't a 
number.  When they did exist few programmers used them.  If floating-point were 
standardized today it might not even have NaN (and definitely wouldn't support 
the ridiculous NaN != NaN), because all modern systems can be expected to 
support exceptions, and modern programmers can be expected to use them.

> The IEEE standard specifies that you should be able to control whether a 
> calculation traps or returns a NAN. That's how Decimal does it, that's 
> how Apple's (sadly long abandoned) SANE did it, and floats should do the 
> same thing.

If your aim is to support every last clause of IEEE for better or worse, then 
yes that's what Python should do.  If your aim is to make Python the best 
language it can be, then Python should reject IEEE's obsolete notions, and 
throw exceptions when operating on NaN.

Carl Banks

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