On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Henry Olders <henry.old...@mcgill.ca>wrote:

> What I would like is that the variables which are included in the function
> definition's parameter list, would be always treated as local to that
> function (and of course, accessible to nested functions) but NOT global
> unless explicitly defined as global.

If you don't want any globals other than callables and modules and builtins,
then don't define any.  I normally code that way, other than an infrequent
(EG) HAVE_CSTRINGIO global or similar (which is module-global, not
program-global) - that is, for variables describing what sorts of optional
modules are available.

Be careful not to conflate global scoping or global lifetime, with
mutability or pure, side-effect-free functions (callables).  It sounds like
what you want is immutability and/or freedom from side effects, which is
found most often in (pure) functional languages - which is not what Python
is, nor does it attempt to be so.

In Python, and in many other languages, if you pass a scalar (or more
generally, an object of an immutable type) to a function, and then change
the scalar in that function, you only change the scalar within that
function, not within the caller.

However, if you pass an aggregate type like a list (array) or dictionary
(hash table), then the formal argument itself that you've passed is still
only changeable within that function, however what it points off at _is_
changeable via that formal argument.  This is of course because otherwise
passing a 1 gigabyte dictionary to a function would either have to copy the
whole dictionary, or implement some sort of Copy-on-Write semantics, or make
it somehow readonly.

If you need side effect-free functions in Python, you'd probably best copy
your aggregates, EG:

import copy

def main():
      a = ['a list','with','three elements']
      print a
      print fnc1(a)
      print a

def fnc1(b):
      b = copy.deepcopy(b)
      return fnc2(b)

def fnc2(c):
      c = copy.deepcopy(c)
      c[1] = 'having'
      return c


Or use Haskell.  Please don't try to turn Python into Haskell.  Each has its
own interesting tradeoffs, and we don't really need two Pythons, and we
don't really need two Haskells.


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