On 05/26/2011 10:03 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 5/26/2011 11:36 AM, John Bokma wrote:
Ben Finney<b...@benfinney.id.au> writes:
>>>> [impolite comment not quoted]
Get a life. Or better, just fuck off and die. It will improve both the
world and the Python community, of which you are nothing but a little,
smelly shitstain.
That abuse is entirely unwelcome in this community, against any person.
Please desist.
You should have spoken up sooner, especially as the spokes person of
"this" community. But every bully has is fan club.
I agree that the original impolite comment was just that -- impolite
-- and perhaps enough so that it should have been spoken out against.
But I also agree that the quoted response is at least three times as
bad, enough so to understandably push someone to respond. Both
comments are atypical here.
Original one impolite perhaps but only truth could cause such hatred.