On 5/25/2011 6:08 PM, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
On May 25, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Jayme Proni Filho wrote:
Helo guys,
I'm building a local application for twitter for my brother's store. I'm in
the beginning and I have some newbie problems, so:
I create a table called tb_messages with int auto increment and varchar(140)
I did three SQL funcionts, insert_tweet, delete_tweet, select_tweet
select_tweet is use for getting messages for sending them to twitter;
My problem is: How can i make my select_tweet works at the same time that
insert or delete funcions. I just got to work when I stop select function.
I would like to do my app works all the time.
Hi Jayme,
You need to provide a lot more information for us to be able to help you.
I suspect that the original poster's problem is that he's trying to
delete items from a table while reading the results from a SELECT on
the same table. SQL systems don't allow that. It has the same problem
as, in Python, deleting from a dict while iterating over it.
One way to do this properly is something like
SELECT itemid, item FROM tablename WITH ... LIMIT 1
get one item
if no item, break
do whatever needs to be done with item
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE itemid = %s
Also, it sounds like he's writing a spam program for Twitter.
John Nagle