Teemu Likonen <tliko...@iki.fi> writes:

> * 2011-05-24T06:05:35-04:00 * D'Arcy J. M. Cain wrote:
>> On Tue, 24 May 2011 09:00:14 +0300
>> "Octavian Rasnita" <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> %d = @l;
>>> Please tell me if Python has a syntax which is more clear than this
>>> for doing this thing.
>> How is that clear? "Shorter" != "clearer." A Python programmer looking
>> at that sees line noise.
> I'm a Lisp programmer who sees (some) Python code as line noise.

Exactly, and glad to see there are also non-extremists in this group.

I have been programming Perl for well over 17 years. I've been trying to
switch to Python /several times/ but yet, with all its shortcomings Perl
somehow still suits me better. To D'Arcy and other Pythonistas --
doesn't that sound like an extermistic organization or what -- it might
look like a cat had an accident involving a keyboard but to me, and all
those other people who do enjoy coding Perl it's beauty.

The whole Python is so beatiful & perfect sounds to me like people who
have embraced the latin alphabet calling Devanagari unreadable chicken
scratches made by backwards and poor people. To me it's a writing system
of beauty.

> I don't know but from the point of view of a Lisp programmer Python has
> the same obsession. Not trolling, I just wanted to point out that these
> are just point of views. I don't actually care that much about these
> things.

Wise words. And I agree. To me Python vs. Perl has nothing to do with
being a fanboy (unlike many other posters here). I like both languages,
I have invested a lot of time in learning Python and I am really not
dense. Yet, even though I can program in Python sufficient enough very
often I just pick Perl. Now why is that?

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Blog: http://johnbokma.com/        Perl Consultancy: http://castleamber.com/
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