I'm happy to announce the release of Snakelets 1.41 and at the same time Frog 1.6.
Snakelets is a Python web application server. This project provides a threaded web server, Ypages (HTML+Python language, similar to Java's JSPs) and Snakelets: code-centric page request handlers (similar to Java's Servlets). Frog is a Blog server application written for Snakelets. It is small but has many features, such as BBcode markup, XHTML+CSS page output, multiple users, no database required, anti-spam measures, email notification, Smileys, RSS feeds, and more. Please find more info on both projects here: http://snakelets.sourceforge.net/ Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=41175 The detailed release notes have been added to the version section. Have fun! --Irmen de Jong -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list