First, I compiled Python in DEBUG on Win32 with and the 
solution distributed in the Python packages.
Second, I try to compiled NUMARRAY  with my python debug :

       python_d build

And the compilation crash with the following message : the file 
python25.lib does not exist (it is normal, because only python25_d.lib 
exist !)

I opened the source file which include Python.h, which include 
pyconfig.h.located in the directory PC. Then, I found  this :

#       ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE /* not building the core - must be an ext */
#               if defined(_MSC_VER)  /* So MSVC users need not specify 
the .lib file in   their Makefile (other compilers are generally  taken 
care of by distutils.) */
#                       ifdef _DEBUG
#                               pragma comment(lib,"python25_d.lib")
#                       else
#                               pragma comment(lib,"python25.lib")
#                       endif /* _DEBUG */
#               endif /* _MSC_VER */
#       endif /* Py_BUILD_CORE */
#endif /* MS_COREDLL */ 

Then, the symbol _DEBUG need to be define... (I added at the beginning 
of the file: it seems to be the solution) to import the debug version 
instead of the release version.

But, how can I run the compilation (options on the comand line maybe) 
which use the python25_d.lib, i.e. how the symbol _DEBUG can be defined 
when I write 'python_d build' ? In other words, with a Python 
in debug, I would generate packages in debug too and propagate the debug 
mode from Python to the packages...



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