[Leo Breebaart]
| On MS Windows, I am trying to find out a good default location to
| save some temporary files.
| The tempfile module seemed to have exactly what I wanted:
| >>> import tempfile
| >>> tempfile.gettempdir()
| 'c:\\docume~1\\admini~1\\locals~1\\temp'
| >>>
| My problem (entirely cosmetic, but still) is that I also need to
| show this location to the users of my program, who I suspect
| would be much happier with a 'proper' Windows path than with this
| '~1' DOS malarkey.
| Does anybody know how I can obtain a temp directory in 'verbose'
| format (or somehow convert the gettempdir() result to that)?

Have a look at win32api.GetLongPathName
(from the pywin32 extensions, in case it wasn't
obvious). So something like this:

import tempfile
import win32api

print tempfile.gettempdir ()
print win32api.GetLongPathName (tempfile.gettempdir ())



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