Jeff_Relf wrote: > As I've told you a quintillion times, Earthlink's insanity aside, > Win_XP is a virtual network, quite indepent of the connection used. > Linux is hardly an OS, it's just a kernel.
The world doesn't need a 'virtual network' needs an Internet Kiosk. While Jeff the Bolshevik was sleeping; American Capitalism produced what the Governments of India, Africa and China could not: A $69 Internet Kiosk from which they can derive Knowledge, Commerce and Society. Yes, listen here World Bank, Unicef, UN, Bono, Gate$ Foundation: Do you want the world to have computers? Then cough up $69 a head to Microtek and have them send it Ground Freight to Burkina Faso, Outer Mongolia and Bangalore. As for 'virtual networks' -- yes, virtual in the sense of not being the sense of not having substance. Yes. virtual. -- Texeme Textcasting Technology --