Chris Angelico <> wrote:

> On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 4:20 AM, Bob Fnord <> wrote:
> > Both methods give me a 503 error...
> As a networking geek, my first thought would be to fire up a tiny
> little "snoop server" and see what, exactly, the two methods are
> doing. (Ignore the HTTPS options as they're more complicated to snoop
> on; you're almost certainly going to see exactly the same on the
> HTTP.)
> A snoop server is simply an HTTP server that dumps its requests to
> stdout or a file, utterly raw. You can write one in Python fairly
> easily, or use another program; if I'm working on Windows, I'll
> generally use my own RosMud MUD client, but you'll be able to whip up
> a cross-platform one in half a page of code in any decent high level
> language. I recommend you work at the sockets level, rather than using
> an HTTP library, unless you have one that can emit the entire request,
> exactly as it came from the client.
> Once you've found the difference(s) between Lynx and your script, you
> can see what's causing the 503 (Service Unavailable) error; it may be
> that you need to authenticate with the proxy.

Duh, I was doing something else stupid. 
Thanks but never mind!


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