In article <>, Andrew Berg <> wrote:
> I'm a bit new to programming outside of shell scripts (and I'm no expert > there), so I was wondering what is considered the best way to handle > errors when writing a module. Do I just let exceptions go and raise > custom exceptions for errors that don't trigger a standard one? Have the > function/method return nothing or a default value and show an error > message? I'm sure there's not a clear-cut answer, but I was just > wondering what most developers would expect a module to do in certain > situations. In general, raise an exception when there is no valid value that can be returned from a function. Sometimes it makes more sense to return 0, None, an empty list, etc. So: count_vowels("banana") ==> 3 count_vowels("xyzzy") ==> 0 # counting "y" as not a vowel count_vowels("") ==> 0 count_vowels(None) ==> raises TypeError You want to raise specific errors. Let's say you've got a function like this: def airspeed(swallow): speeds = {"european": 42, "african", 196} return speeds[swallow] If somebody passes an invalid string, it will raise KeyError as written. Better to do something like: def airspeed(swallow): speeds = {"european": 42, "african", 196} try: return speeds[swallow] except KeyError: raise UnknownBirdError(swallow) This lets somebody catch UnknownBirdError at some higher level and do something useful. If you let KeyError escape, that's a lot harder to deal with because it could come from almost anywhere. --