Koncept wrote:
> Howdie Python folks! I am very new to Python ( 3rd day now ) and it has
> already earned its place as my fav. language to work in.  I hope to
> continue, and I really would appreciate some good resources if anybody
> would care to contribute.
> My current head-scratcher concerns something I can do in Perl which I
> would like to have duplicated for Python. I have noticed that it is not
> possible to increment an unset value in Python, so I would like to know
> how to duplicate the following bit of code using Python dictionaries.

[expletives deleted]

freq_dict = {}
if thing in freq_dict:
     freq_dict[thing] += 1
     freq_dict[thing] = 1

or, less plainly,

freq_dict[thing] = freq_dict.get(thing, 0) + 1


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