Peter Hansen wrote:
>> Thanks to you all for the quick response.
>> I've noticed that when I do
>> $ python
>> the file myprog.pyc file is not created, but the .pyc files for files I
>> import *are* created. Is this intentional and, if so, how do I get the
>> myprog.pyc file?
> I thought the docs covered this, so I left it out.  The
> "main" .py file is not converted to a .pyc file for reasons I can't 
> remember (and don't care... after it, that's just the way it is).  If 
> you really need a .pyc for it, the simplest thing to do is "import 
> myprog" from the interactive prompt.

*Provided* the "main" .py file has been set up properly, in the sense 
that the scripty bits are guarded by "if __name__ == '__main__':"

Otherwise side effects (possibly horrid) may occur upon import.

Another way around this is for to be a stub which merely does 
something like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
     import myrealprog

>  The compileall module I mentioned 
> would also be able to do this.
> -Peter

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