On Wed, 04 May 2011 14:22:38 -0500, harrismh777
  <harrismh...@charter.net> wrote:
:      That statement is untrue; evidenced by the very fact the CPython's 
:  complex and abstract data modeling has been very suitably handled by C.
That's an implementation.  Not modelling.

:      You cannot possibly mean what you have asserted... I realize there 
:  must be a contextual problem.  I have been handling complex data 
:  abstractions with C for more than 20 years...

I did not say that it is impossible.  On the other hand, you are
clearly not talking about abstraction or modelling at all, but
rather about computation or data processing.

:                                                 its quite well suited to 
:  the task... although, I am able to do my research today faster and with 
:  less lines of code in CPython.  That does not in any way impugn C..;. 
:  quite the contrary, given enough time,  C is better suited for modeling 
:  on a von Neumann processor, period.

What has that got to do with abstraction?

:      Here is the thing that everyone forgets... all we have to work with 
:  is a von Neumann processor. (same as EDVAC, ENIAC, the VIC20, etc). 
:  Assembler is still the best language on that processor.  'C'  is still 
:  the best high-level language on that processor.  CPython is implemented 
:  in C for a reason:  gcc and the von Neumann processor make it a no-brainer.

Again, what has that got to do with abstraction?

:      Its silly to claim that one high-level language or another is better 
:  suited to complex data abstraction... don't go there.

: > Digging down into C should be unnecessary to explain Python.
:      huh?   You have to be kidding. Why do you suppose we want it to be 
:  open-sourced? 

Python is a /language/.  The /implementation/ is may be open-source
(and may or may not be written in C).

:                 Use the force Luke, read the source.   If you really 
:  want to know how Python is working you *must* dig down into the C code 
:  which implements it.

Except that whatever you learn by doing so is only valid for that one

:-- Hans Georg

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