On May 4, 6:56 am, Hans Georg Schaathun <h...@schaathun.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 4 May 2011 02:56:28 -0700 (PDT), Devin Jeanpierre  
> <jeanpierr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> :  Eh, that example doesn't say what you think it does. It has the same
> :  behavior in C:http://ideone.com/Fq09N. Python is pass-by-value in a
> :  meaningful sense, it's just that by saying that we say that the values
> :  being passed are references/pointers.
> No, Python is not pass-by-value, because the pointer is abstracted
> away.  You transmit arguments by reference only and cannot access the
> value of the reference.  In C it is pass by value, as the pointer
> is explicit and do whatever you want with the pointer value.  

The same argument applies to every language I know but two, all of
which describe themselves as pass-by-value. What you say certainly has
a consistency to it, it's just at odds with how I generally see the
term being applied. Forgive me if I don't share the same definition as
you, even if I do appreciate its elegance.

Devin Jeanpierre


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