On 5/3/2011 2:29 AM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
Terry Reedy wrote:
The trick is that replacing x with j and evaluating therefore causes
(in Python) all the coefficients of x (now j) to be added together
separately from all the constant terms to reduce the linear equation
to a*x+b (= 0 implied).

Hmmm... so if we used quaternions, could we solve systems
of linear equations in 3 variables?

Yes and no. The use of 1*j merely collected and added together all the multipliers of 'x' (and all the constant terms). That is a fairly trivial matter of constant folding. Systems of linear equations are usually presented in that form already. The actual solution to the simple equation is in the formula x = -a/b (where a and b are the sums). The solution formula for three variables would be far more complex.

Terry Jan Reedy


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