PyPK wrote:
> Yep that improved the speed by about 50% now it takes about 10 secs
> instead of 24 seconds..Thanks much. I guess that is the best we could
> do right.It would be really helpful if I could get it less than 5
> seconds. Any suggestions on that??
Things to try:
*  in-lining the min and max expressions
*  depending on the distribution of e, it may be faster to catch KeyErrors

def search1(m):
     box = {}
     for r,row in enumerate(m):
         for c,e in enumerate(row):
                 minc, minr, maxc, maxr = box[e]
                 box[e] = ( c < minc and c or minc,
                            r < minr and r or minr,
                            c > maxc and c or maxc,
                            r > maxr and r or maxr)
             except KeyError:
                 box[e] = (c, r, c, r)
     return box



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