On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:
>> Pro: You can do anything.
>> Con: You can do anything.
> I think someone already beat you to it. They call their invention "Lisp". :-P

Bah! Lisp comes, out of the box, with far too many features! No no no.
If you want the + operator to add two numbers, you have to say so!
(Obviously there'll be extensive use of #include or equivalent.)

It started out as a serious idea - a really clean language that would,
like Lua or Python, be nicely embeddable in larger programs - and
specifically, I wanted an expression evaluator that could have
d-notation added to it. But the realisation that such a language
consisted of a foot, a machine gun, and a belt of ammunition kinda led
to it being dropped.


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