On 4/16/2011 9:55 AM, Phil Winder wrote:
I'm having a go at using ipython as a command prompt for data
analysis. Coming from Matlab, I'm used to typing multiple commands on
the same line then using the up arrow to go through my history.
How can I write multiple python commands on the same line?

You can write multiple *simple* statements using ';'.

E.g. "x = 0; while x<  10: x = x + 1;" returns an "invalid syntax"
error on the 'e' in while.

All compound statements, like while, must start on own line.

Also, how can I produce a new line, without it running the command?

Use an editor, as with IDLE, rather than a shell. Interactive mode runs *1* statement (including simple;simple) at a time.

would have expected a ctrl-enter or shift-enter to produce the
expected results.
E.g. I want:
"x = 0;<ctrl-enter>

This is one statement

while x<  10:<ctrl-enter>
     x = x + 1;<ctrl-enter>

This is another.

I can understanding wanting to rerun initialized loops with one enter, but you cannot. Sorry.

Terry Jan Reedy


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