From: "Steven D'Aprano" <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python

> On Sat, 09 Apr 2011 01:32:17 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 1:21 AM, km <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> How does python 3.2 fare compared to Java 1.6 in terms of performance ?
>>> any pointers or observations ?
>> Hi All,
>> How do apples compare to oranges in terms of performance?
> Fair point. The two languages are not really aimed at the same target. 
> Python tends to optimize for development time, Java tends to optimize for 
> execution time (although Java's expensive start up usually makes it 
> prohibitive for small, lightweight programs).
> Python tends to be between 1-100 times slower than Java, depending on 
> what you're trying to do. Have a look at the programming language shoot-
> out:
> Don't jump to conclusions:

Especially don't jump to conclusions, because those tests are not relevant at 
all for most projects you might need to do.

If you need to create programs for biotechnology or math, then those tests may 
give you a good image, but otherwise they are not very useful because when you 
create a program in Python, or Perl, Ruby... they might use other modules which 
may be pure python/perl/ruby/... code, and they might be not optimized for 
speed, or they can be written in C and be super-optimized, but that won't mean 
that Python/Perl/Ruby is fast, or that they consume less resources.

I've seen that the tests used are:

 fasta benchmark : Generate and write random DNA sequences
 regex-dna benchmark : Match DNA 8-mers and substitute nucleotides for IUB codes
 reverse-complement benchmark : Read DNA sequences - write their 
k-nucleotide benchmark : Hashtable update and k-nucleotide strings
 mandelbrot benchmark : Generate Mandelbrot set portable bitmap file
 pidigits benchmark : Streaming arbitrary-precision arithmetic
 binary-trees benchmark : Allocate and deallocate many many binary trees
The spectral norm of a matrix is the square root of the largest eigenvalue of 
... where <mat1> is a matrix for which the spectral norm is to be computed
 fannkuch-redux benchmark : Indexed-access to tiny integer-sequence
The n-body problem is the problem of predicting the motion of a group of 
celestial objects that interact with each other gravitationally.

If there are fast modules for Python that can do these things, that doesn't 
mean that Python will be faster in general for other things, or if there are no 
such fast modules that can do these things, this doesn't mean that Python is 
slow because those tests show that.

It is hard to compare the languages in general, because even if the tests would 
compare only the pure code programs that don't use C code, if there are fast 
modules that use C code for a certain language for a certain task, it wouldn't 
be important that that language is slow, if it has fast modules for the wanted 

And not only the speed is less relevant in those tests, but the comparison of 
the resources needed too, and the differences between the sizes of the source 
code also, because if there is a higher level module for a certain language, 
the programmer might need to only load that module, eventually initialize an 
object, and call a method of that object in just a few lines of code.



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