Hi folks,

I've been using ironpython2.7 in a project, and I was generating some
csharp code when i discovered that I couldn't use use str.format
because the interference with the brackets-aplenty situation in

In [1]: code = "class {0}Model { public bool IsModel(){ return
true; } }"

In [2]: code.format('My')
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call

KeyError: ' public bool IsModel(){ return true; } '

Please note I had no trouble with the trusty old % interpolation

Now given that using str.format in this use case (code generation) is
equally difficult for other bracketed languages, and that str.format
is supposed to eventually become 'best-practice' for python string
formatting, can I get some feedback on a proposal that for the odd
case when brackets don't cut it, there is a way to redefine the
delimiter for str.format so that one could do something like this:

    str.format_delimiter = ("[[", "]]")

and we could write something like this:

In [1]: code = "class [[0]]Model { public bool IsModel(){ return
true; } }"
In [2]: code.format('My')
Out[3]: 'class MyModel { public bool IsModel(){ return true; } }'

Please give your +N or -N and reasons below.


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