"David Bernier" <david...@videotron.ca> wrote in message news:in7cs201...@news6.newsguy.com...
Joe Snodgrass wrote:
On Apr 1, 10:54 am, David Bernier<david...@videotron.ca>  wrote:
haha doh wrote:
On Mar 31, 3:15 pm, Joe Snodgrass<joe.s...@yahoo.com>    wrote:


As to which crime was being committed, I'm going with numbers running
or loan sharking.  There's no reason for any crook to keep any record
of any other crime, except prostitution, where phone books come in

Thievery is not an honest business, and records of what went down,
where and with whom can only hurt you.  Unless of course, it's a grand
list of felonies that he was using to blackmail the participants.

But I can't see gathering that much info from blackmail.  I always
thought it involved one guy blackmailing one victim.  This would imply
a factory scale process, and he'd need some way to lure his prey into
the trap.

Of course, that WOULD be a good way to get murdered.
This is him

True indeed! , according to a story posted on March 30 on the
website of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

That web page has a link to a 1999 article on the discovery of the body:
<http://www.stltoday.com/news/article_bcc02074-5b1a-11e0-b199-0017a4a7...> .

An officer with the local Major Case Squad unit is quoted there. I quote
from the 1999 story:

<<  "We cannot find any motive for his death, " he said.
"We're not absolutely sure that this is a homicide.">>  .

What's the cause of death?

From one of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles (presumably the orig. source),
one learns that "Death appears to be caused by a blow to the head.",
this via "Austinstar" at hubpages.com :
< http://hubpages.com/hub/Cryptographic-clues > .

Maybe a flying car hit him?

- Body identified through fingerprints (St. Louis Post-Dispatch).

- Ricky McCormick had a criminal conviction for statutory rape.
  (via n01h3r3 at boards.straightdope.com) :
  < http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=13642308 > .

- Ricky McCormick had one address in St. Louis, Missouri and
  others in Illinois (why?).



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