On 4/1/2011 3:22 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
2to3 could probably gain a fixer to change
.sort(cmp=f) # to
import functools import cmp_to_key
I know some would not like this because interface change is not their
real concern.
Looks like a good idea. There is an efficiency hit from the above in
some situations, but at least it prevents code from breaking, so unless
there's some drawback I'm not currently spotting, it's better than
nothing and I'd endorse adding such a wrapper. 2to3 should show some
kind of diagnostic and maybe put a comment into the output code,
when it does that particular transformation, since most of the
time there's probably a better way to write the key function.
rewriting cmp_to_key in C is underway
Terry Jan Reedy