On 21/03/2011 02:48, ecu_jon wrote:
On Mar 20, 10:09 pm, Dave Angel<da...@ieee.org> wrote:
On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, ecu_jon wrote:
I'm working on a script that will run all the time. at time specified
in a config file, will kick-off a backup.
problem is, its not actually starting the job. the double while loop
runs, the first comparing date works. the second for hour/min does
#python file
import os,string,,time,getpass,ConfigParser
from datetime import *
from os.path import join, getsize
from time import strftime,localtime
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
source = config.get("myvars", "source")
destination = config.get("myvars", "destination")
date = config.get("myvars", "date")
time = config.get("myvars", "time")
while datetime.now().weekday() == int(date):
while str_time == time:
print "do it"
You're comparing two objects in that inner while-loop, but since they
never change, they'll never match unless they happen to start out as
you need to re-evaluate str_time each time through the loop. Make a
copy of that statement and put it inside the loop.
You probably don't want those loops to be comparing to ==, though, since
if you start this script on some other day, it'll never loop at all.
Also, it'd be good to do some form of sleep() function when you're
waiting, so you don't bog the system down with a busy-loop.
i guess im just having a hard time creating something like
check if go condition,
else sleep
the double while loops take 12% cpu usage on my machine so this is
probably unacceptable.
I would calculate the amount of time until the next event and then
sleep for that amount of time.
also the sleep command does not like me :
>>> from datetime import *
This imports everything (well, almost everything) that's in the
datetime module. One of those things is called "time".
Importing everything like this is not recommended because it 'pollutes'
the namespace.
from time import strftime,localtime,sleep
This imports 3 items from the time module, but the name "time" itself
still refers to what was imported by the previous line.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in<module>
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.time' has no attribute 'sleep'
This tells you that "time" (which you imported from the datetime
module) is a class in the datetime module.
You imported "sleep" from the time module, so refer to it as "sleep".
here it is updated with the hour/min check fixed.
#updated python code
import os,string,time,getpass,md5,ConfigParser
from datetime import *
from os.path import join, getsize
from time import strftime,localtime,sleep
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
date = config.get("myvars", "date")
time = config.get("myvars", "time")
while datetime.now().weekday() == int(date):
while str_time == time:
print "do it"