ecu_jon wrote: > so i am trying to add md5 checksum calc to my file copy stuff, to make > sure the source and dest. are same file. > i implemented it fine with the single file copy part. something like : > for files in sourcepath: > f1=file(files ,'rb') > try: > shutil.copy2(files, > os.path.join(destpath,os.path.basename(files))) > except: > print "error file" > f2=file(os.path.join(destpath,os.path.basename(files)), 'rb') > truth = == > > if truth == 0: > print "file copy error" > > this worked swimmingly. i moved on to my backupall function, something > like > for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(source): > #os.walk drills down thru all the folders of source > for fname in dirs: > currentdir = destination+leftover > try: > os.mkdir(os.path.join(currentdir,fname),0755) > except: > print "error folder" > for fname in files: > leftover = path.replace(source, '') > currentdir = destination+leftover > f1=file(files ,'rb') > try: > shutil.copy2(os.path.join(path,fname), > os.path.join(currentdir,fname)) > f2 = file(os.path.join(currentdir,fname,files)) > except: > print "error file" > truth = == > > if truth == 0: > print "file copy error" > > but here, "fname" is a list, not a single file.i didn't really want to > spend a lot of time on the md5 part. thought it would be an easy add- > on. i don't really want to write the file names out to a list and > parse through them one a time doing the calc, but it sounds like i > will have to do something like that.
If you have something working for one file, don't copy the code into the os.walk() for-loop, put it into a function, say: def safe_copy(sourcefile, destfolder): # your code Then call that thoroughly tested function from within the os.walk() loop for path, folders, files in os.walk(sourceroot): destfolder = ... # os.path.relpath() might help here # ... (make subdirectories) for name in files: sourcefile = os.path.join(path, name) safe_copy(sourcefile, destfolder) If you find a bug in safe_copy() you'll only have to fix it in one place. Also, you can test it with a single file which should be easier and faster than processing a whole directory tree. Generally speaking breaking code into small functions that can be tested individually is a powerful technique. And you don't have to stop here, you can break safe_copy() into def safe_copy(sourcefile, destfolder): destfile = ... copyfile(sourcefile, destfile) if not equal_content(sourcefile, destfile): # print a warning or raise an exception Sometimes you'll even find that the smaller more specialized routines already exist in the standard library. --