* Tim Johnson <t...@johnsons-web.com> [110313 08:27]:
>   One other thing I just realized:
>   The process stops inside of a function call to another object
>   method, if that method call is removed, the process teminates.
>   :) I may have a solution later today, and will relay it to you if
>   found. Must have coffee first.
  I've had coffee, and also I've eaten a bit of crow. If I had no
  dignity to spare I might have dropped this thread after the last
  post, but I owe it to those who might come after me to explain
  what happened. If I have any excuse, it is that I wrote this code
  when I had about a month of python experience.
  So here we go... 
  The cleanup part is to write a logfile. The logfile is written by
  the write() method of a log object. The method was coded to accept
  any number of data types and execute based on the type from an
  if/elif/else code block. The cgi object was passed to the method.
  The original code follows:
  ## code begins
                if type(args) == type({}): ## it's a dictionary
                        args['time_date_stamp'] = '%s%d' % 
                        keys = args.keys()
                        for key in keys:
                                outfile.write('\t%s: %s\n' % (key,args[key]))
                elif type(args) == type(''):
                        outfile.write('%s\n%s\n' % (std.local_time(),args))
                elif std.IsCgiObj(args):   ## dump the cgi object 
                        dump = args.getEnv('time_date_stamp=%s' % 
                        for line in dump:
                                outfile.write('  %s\n' % line)
                else : ## default = it's a list
                        if args:
                                outfile.write('time_date_stamp=%s\n' % 
                                for arg in args:
                                        outfile.write('  %s\n' % arg)
  ## /code ends
I did two obvious things wrong here:
First of all, std.IsCgiObj() returned false when I changed
the class name because std.IsCgiObj() tested for an explicit
match of 'cgitools' with the objects __class__.__name__ member.

Secondly, and worse, the default of the test block was an assumption
and I did not test the assumption. Bad, bad, very bad!
Therefore my code attempted to process the object as a list and down
the Rabit Hole we went. And I ended up with some *really* big
logfiles :).

Following is a tentative revision:
  ## code begins
                elif 'instance' in (str(type(args))):   ## it's an object
                        if hasattr(args,'getEnv'): ## test for method
                                dump = args.getEnv('time_date_stamp=%s' % 
                                for line in dump:
                                        outfile.write('  %s\n' % line)
                        else :
                                erh.Report("object passed to logger.write() 
must have a `getEnv()' method" )
                else : ## it's a list
                        if type(args) != []:  ## make no assumptions
                                erh.Report('List expected in default condition 
of logger.write()')
                        if args:
                                outfile.write('time_date_stamp=%s\n' % 
                                for arg in args:
                                        outfile.write('  %s\n' % arg)
  ## /code ends
  ## erh.Report() writes a messages and aborts process.
Of course, I could have problems with an object with a
malfunctioning getEnv() method, so I'll have to chew that one over
for a while.
I appreciate Terry's help. I'd welcome any other comments. I'm
also researching the use of __class__.__name__. One of my questions
is: can the implementation of an internal like __class__.__name__
change in the future?

tim at johnsons-web.com or akwebsoft.com

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