On 08/03/2011 8:58 AM, Cross wrote:
I know meta tags contain keywords but they are not always reliable. I
can parse xhtml to obtain keywords from meta tags; but how do I verify
them. To obtain reliable keywords, I have to parse the plain text
obtained from the URL.

I think maybe what the OP is asking about is extracting key words from a text, i.e. a short list of words that characterize the text. This is an information retrieval problem, not really a Python problem.

One simple way to do this is to calculate word frequency histograms for each document in your corpus, and then for a given document, select words that are frequent in that document but infrequent in the corpus as a whole. Whoosh does this. There are different ways of calculating the importance of words, and stemming and conflating synonyms can give you better results as well.

A more sophisticated method uses "part of speech" tagging. See the Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and topia.termextract for more information.


Yahoo has a web service for key word extraction:


You might want to investigate these resources and try google searches for e.g. "extracting key terms from documents" and then come back if you have a question about the Python implementation.



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