On Feb 28, 11:39 pm, Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You miss the canonical bad character reuse case: = vs ==.
> Had there been more meta keys, it might be nice to have a symbol for
> each key on the keyboard. I personally have experimented with putting
> the symbols as regular keys and the numbers as the Shifted versions.
> It's great for programming.

Hmmm... Clever!
Is it X or Windows?
Can I have your setup?

One problem we programmers face is that keyboards were made for
typists not programmers.
Another is that when we move from 'hi-level' questions eg code reuse
-- to lower and lower -- eg ergonomics of reading and writing code --
the focus goes from the center of consciousness to the periphery and
we miss how many inefficiencies there are in our semi-automatic

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