I am following along with this tutorial/post:

I am visualizing trying to setup some type of real world data/
interactions and stumbled upon this article. I am also on a 64bit
Windows 7 machine.

I am rusty in a sense as I have primarily been doing SQL Development/
Reporting on a DW and QA work for the past 3 years since graduating. I
could use some support if anyone is available. I am prepared to
provide any info one needs to better understand where I stand.

 I have begun fiddling with Python and R and am ready to re-install
MySQL when I am sure of which version to get.

Here is my environment/setup:

Directories I am working through tutorials at, saving source code,

C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.1

MySQL-python-1.2.1.tar.gz is for Linux, am I overlooking a Windows
Should I install MySQL first? an earlier version of Python?
I am not sure which file I should download with regards to RMySQL.

Any assistance and advice would be highly valued. I am obviously first
trying to get the environment up and running(which is what is
overwhelming me a bit), and then come up with a real world scenarios
of some sort that would enable me to play with all 3 languages to
better understand the interactions/possibilities.

I feel this would be a good way to dive into Python as I love being
connected to a database and R would provide the option to graphically
display the data in a multitude of formats and or gather statistics. I
have a job interview coming up and I want to bang some nails before

Kind Regards.

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