On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 1:59 PM, pradeepbpin <pradeepb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a main program module that invokes an input dialog box via  a
> menu item. Now, the code for drawing and processing the input of
> dialog box is in another module, say 'dialogs.py'. I connect the menu
> item to this dialog box by a statement like,
> manu_item.connect('activate', lambda a: dialogs.open_dilaog())
> If this function open_dialog() returns a list of dialog inputs values,
> how can I access those values in the main module ?

You can't. The event handler just calls a method. It's expected that
you'll do everything you need in that. Make your own method for the
menu item that starts off by creating the dialog and then handles the

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