On Thu, 2011-02-17, Roy Smith wrote: > In article <slrnilr5lj.15e.grahn+n...@frailea.sa.invalid>, > Jorgen Grahn <grahn+n...@snipabacken.se> wrote: > >> - Write user documentation and build/installation scripts. Since I'm >> on Unix, that means man pages and a Makefile. > > Wow, I haven't built a man page in eons. These days, user documentation > for me means good help text for argparse to use.
Perhaps I'm old-fashioned, but all other software I use (on Unix) has man pages. I /expect/ there to be one. (It's not hard to write a man page either, if you have a decent one as a template.) Help texts are better than nothing though (and unlike man pages they work on Windows too). > If I need something > more than that, I'll write it up in our wiki. I guess you're working within an organization? Local rules override personal preferences -- if everyone else is using the wiki, I guess you must do too. I have to say though that *not* handling the documentation together with the source code is harmful. If source code and documentation aren't in version control together, they *will* go out of sync. >> Anyway, I don't feel bad if I don't find any classes at first. > > Same here. I don't usually find a reason to refactor things into > classes until I've written the second or third line of code :-) > > Somewhat more seriously, the big clue for me that I've got a class > hiding in there is when I start having all sorts of globals. That's > usually a sign you've done something wrong. Or a whole bunch of related arguments to a function, and/or the same arguments being passed to many functions. /Jorgen -- // Jorgen Grahn <grahn@ Oo o. . . \X/ snipabacken.se> O o . -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list