Hello, On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 02:40:22AM -0800, pstatham wrote: > I've installed the cx_Oracle module for Python > and I'm trying to connect to my remote Oracle > db.
Can you tnsping your remote Oracle DB successfully? > >>> uid = "scott" > >>> pwd = "tiger" > >>> service = "" > >>> db = cx_Oracle.connect(uid + "/" + pwd + "@" + service) Try 'tnsping service' or 'sqlplus uid/pwd@service' in your Korn/Bourne/whoever shell 1st. If this works, then cx_Oracle will work too. 'service' must be specified in system TNSNAMES file or in your ~/.tnsnames.ora -- With best regards, xrgtn -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list