This may be kind of a stupid question, so please be gentle. I've only ever used most programming in the past when shell scripting couldn't handle what I needed done. So, I rarely dabble with things like API's, or even python-isms. I just program to get things done.
Well, that's about to change :) I am in charge of deploying a platform to allow people across my company to access a variety of crunched metrics using splunk. I need to allow access into the data using Splunk's RESTful API, which is implemented in both java and python. The thing is, I have no idea how to do that. I've looked through some of the documentation, and it has me start a pydoc server on the system but when i navigate to the page it just shows listings of functions. The descriptions would be great, except they don't really tell me a lot. For instance, nothing really seems to say "fetchRecord(user_name) fetches all records matching a particular user name". Further, how do I actually use the API? I appreciate any of the pointers you can offer. Its a big part of this project, but my minor knowledge in programming isn't helping me much here. -Matty --