On 15/02/2011 18:48, Mel wrote:
Wanderer wrote:
I'm using code
def getFiles(self, fileBase):
"""return a list of the filenames in a director containing a
base word
allFiles = os.listdir(self.resultDir)
baseFiles = []
for f in allFiles:
if f.find(fileBase)> 0:
return baseFiles
but the code can't find files with fileBase in it if the fileBase
starts the filename.
if the filenames are rnoise##.tif and fileBase is "rnoise" the file
won't be found. If fileBase is "noise" the files will be found.
(untested) Try
if f.find(fileBase)> -1:
Python is a 0-based language, so if fileBase is at the start of f then
the result is 0. If fileBase isn't in f then the result is -1.
An alternative is:
if fileBase in f: