On 11/02/2011 05:59, Carl Banks wrote:
Rotwang wrote:
On 11/02/2011 04:54, Rotwang wrote:
Mmmmnngh, that obviously wasn't going to work. Here's something that
does work:

      menu = Tkinter.Menu(master, tearoff = 0)
      for k in x:
          def f(j = k):
              [do something that depends on j]
          menu.add_command(label = str(k), command = f)

Still, I'd like to know if there's a more elegant method for creating a
set of functions indexed by an arbitrary list.

If you don't want to use keyword arguments you can define a helper
function to help create your closure:

def create_menu_command(j):
     def f():
     return f

for k in x:

Nice, thanks.


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