On 2/9/2011 9:27 AM, RJB wrote:
On Feb 8, 11:08 pm, Paul Rudin<paul.nos...@rudin.co.uk> wrote:
It works because 0 tests false and because integer division yields
integers... eventually you'll get something like 1/10 giving 0.
It's not necessarily a good thing to rely on. For example if you try it
after "from __future__ import division" - or in python 3 - you'll get a
float as the result of the division and it won't test False.
What operator should I use if I want integer division?
The line should be 'n = n//10' or even 'n //= 10'.
You might have answered your own question be putting
print(n, count) at the top of the loop body.
Print is an excellent tool.
Terry Jan Reedy