Hi all,

Today I was thinking about a problem I often encounter.  Say that I
have (seems I often do!) a deeply nested object, by which I mean
object within object with object, etc.

For example:

   x = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value)

Well, that's extreme but I've worked with code approaching that level
of nested-ness.  Now, consider two scenarios:

1. You need to call this thing many times with different arguments, so
you wind up with:

   x = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value1)
   y = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value2)
   z = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value3)

2. You call it inside a loop:

   for item in some_iterable:
       x = 

For one thing, I find the long lines unattractive at best and
error-prone at worst, especially if I also have


that I might confuse with the first.  To make it look better I might do this:

   _o = some.deeply.nested.object

which is fine, I suppose.

Then, putting on my company hat, I remembered that, from VBA, you could do this:

   with some.deeply.nested.object
   end with

I like the structure of this, since the subordinate block can be
indented, which makes it stand out.  Also, it avoids temporary

So, I was thinking of how to get close to this in Python.  I came up
with two approaches:


   _o = some.deeply.nested.object
   if 1:

The "if 1:" forces me to indent the subordinate code, which sets it
apart from the surrounding code.  Note that I cannot just
indent because I feel like it since Python is persnickety about indentation.


    for _o in [some.deeply.nested.object]:

The "for..." sets up the iterator and forces me to indent the subordinate code.

As an aside, approach 1 generates less byte-code since approach 2 sets
up loop machinery which you don't really need in this case.

I have a couple of questions:

1. If you had to choose between approaches 1 and 2, which one would
you go for, and why?

2. What other techniques have you used in such a situation?

Gerald Britton

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