On Jan 28, 2:37 pm, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> On 1/28/2011 3:33 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> > "Get the library and its documentation included in the core Python
> > distribution, so that truly cross-platform GUI applications may be written
> > that will run on any Python installation, anywhere."
> I don't know if Grey still has that goal.  It is 2.x only.

True, but *if* the community saw the potential that i see with pyGUI
and wanted to seriously do some development to bring it into 3.0
compliance i'll bet Greg *would* be interested! pyGUI has lots of
potential. To be honest, i would sacrifice all the functionality of
wxWidgets if we could get pyGUI into the stdlib. Why? Well because
pyGUI would be under OUR complete control. No more kissing TclTk butt,
no more kissing WxWidgets+Robin Dunn butt. WE decide how fast to move
and NOBODY will get in our way anymore!


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