From: "Grant Edwards" <invalid@invalid.invalid>
You said that you don't care about convincing anybody either that
accessibility is import or about convincing anybody to do anything
about it.  To me that means you don't care about accessiblity.

And you are wrong. If you don't try to convince someone that Python is a
good language, does that mean that you don't care about Python?
You might be thinking that the people on the list *already know* that Python
is a good language.
And I also think that in the 21st century *every programmer* should know
that the accessibility is important.

People will not separate your personality from the cause you espouse.

Wow! that's really bad.

It's less than ideal, but it the way people are.
Is that a surprise to you?

No, but I am pretending that I don't know, because the those people are not
thinking correctly and it should be a shame for someone to have bad opinions
about a person just because that person has different opinions.
And the world should be ideal. Of course, it will never be, but we should
follow that direction at least and not consider it bad just because that way
require big and uncomfortable changes.

I thought that I might find here people that might have something
against my opinions, that is very normal, that's why we are
discussing, but I didn't think that I will also find people that will
have something against me, just because of my opinions.

That's not what I said.  I said that if you state your opininions in a
rude, insulting, or disrepectful manner, that will turn people against
your opinions regardless of the inherent value of the actual opinions

I have asked for a few times, but nobody answered. From what I said, what
was rude, insulting and disrespectable?

That's not what we're talking about.  We're not talking about your
opinions on some unrelated topic.  We're talking about the manner in
which you express your opinions on this topic.

And again, what's that "manner"?
Do you really think that the opinions of the majority are always more valid
than those of minorities, no matter the consequences?

Again, it's not your beliefs about other tops that are causing
problems for you.  What's causing problems is the manner in which you
are expressing your beliefs about this topic.

My beliefs are that the majority doesn't care about the minority of screen
reader users, because if it would care, it would be promoting accessible
Don't you agree with this? Or you don't like the atitude of expressing it so
clear and like to hide those sensible things?



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