On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:26 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

> You didn't say that WxPython can't be used with Python 3. Have you said that?

Some besides Peter pointed this out a few days ago.

>>> The other part of the discussion is related to the accessibility and 
>> care for >accessibility and that discussion is not nice at all, because 
>> it shows how
>>> selfish are most of the people and they consider this a virtue.
>> Selfish? We've had multiple people get interested, 
> I am not interested if the people are getting interested. I am interested to 
> have a solution right now, and at least for Python 2, a solution is already 
> available.

Python 2 is in bug-fix mode and no major modifications will be done to this 
version of Python. This means that Tkinter will not be replaced in Python 2.
If you want a fix now, you either have to fix Tkinter in a backwards compatible 
way to work with Python 2, or you have to get wxPython (or some other GUI
package) ready for Python 3.



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