From: "Littlefield, Tyler" <> > >I don't know why you didn't say this before. > Comprehention, Octavian. I've made that point multiple times, but your > to stuck on talking about how selfish people are.
You didn't say that WxPython can't be used with Python 3. Have you said that? > >The other part of the discussion is related to the accessibility and > care for >accessibility and that discussion is not nice at all, because > it shows how > >selfish are most of the people and they consider this a virtue. > Selfish? We've had multiple people get interested, I am not interested if the people are getting interested. I am interested to have a solution right now, and at least for Python 2, a solution is already available. > and I've had a couple > of messages off-list about the accessibility, (probably so they wouldn't > have to deal with you). We've even had one person ask for a list of > screen readers, (and I note you only gave him the one you use for the OS For the majority of blind users it is less relevant if a GUI is accessible under Linux or Mac. I gave that example because a GUI should be first accessible with JAWS because it is the most used screen reader. Octavian --