From: "Bryan" <> I wish I could respond to that, but I have no experience with screen readers. Are there any free ones, or ones with free trials, that I could try out? I'm not yet convinced it's any better or worse than wxPython since you're only a single datapoint, but of course it's possible. If you know of any free tools I can use to experiment, I'd appreciate you posting them in this newsgroup.
Accessibility, like internationalization, is something few programmers spend much time thinking about. I can only imagine the frustration one must experience if all interactions had to be through a screen reader. Hi Bryan, (And thank you for your interest) The most used screen reader and the one that have the most features is JAWS that can be downloaded from: You can use it for 40 minutes after which you need to restart the computer to be able to use it again. You can test that simple sample WxPython app and compare it with any Tk-based app. Please tell us what you find. Octavian --