On Jan 24, 8:49 am, Mike Driscoll <kyoso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 24, 7:24 am, Bryan <bryan.oak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > In my experience, segfaults with wxPython aren't daily, but they are
> > pretty much weekly. There are weeks that can go by without them, but
> > then I'll have several in a week to bump up the average.
> I've only run my code on Windows and Linux, but I haven't had this
> issue. The only time I've had segfaults was when I was first learning
> how to get threading and wx to work properly and when I was creating
> binaries with py2exe.

Thanks. I knew these guys were full of it.

> On a completely different note, as a heavy wxPython user for almost 5
> years, I have never seen the OP on our mailing list, dev group or IRC
> channel.

Thats because i have not been there. And yet i can produce code (maybe
not perfectly). However those that have been around wx list for longer
cannot. Interesting.

> I like the concept of
> creating a challenge to see which toolkit can do what, but this is not
> the way to go about it.

Well by all means offer some input. You have offered opinions but no
ideas. I would love to hear any ideas you may have. And yes, Tkinter
has a very likable API. I have mentioned this fact many times and in
many threads. However when weighed on all factors wx will win. Because
even though we may need to mold the wx API a bit, at least with wx we
have a solid feature rich platform to work from.

> Bryan, on the other hand, has been a Tkinter luminary who has helped
> me in the past when I was learning Tkinter and I won't be too
> surprised if he helps me again. I'm sorry he's had so much trouble
> with wx though.


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